After 260 journalism innovation grants, Google has decided smaller and quicker is better
While others practice a long-term ‘go-big-or-go-home’ strategy, Google’s philanthropy has taken the opposite tack.
Saving Journalism 2: Global Strategies and a Look at Investigative Journalism
Anya Schiffrin, Hannah Clifford, and Theodora Dame Adjin-Tettey have co-authored the second instalment of the 2021 report Saving Journalism: A Vision for the Post-Covid World, which examined the state of journalism during the pandemic. This second instalment, Saving Journalism 2: Global Strategies and a Look at Investigative Journalism goes back to look at some of the promising measurements identified in the original report. GIJN has been granted permission to publish three excerpts from the report on finding the right funding, the dire situation for news outlets in Africa, or the difficulties facing investigative journalism.
Can philanthropic funding save journalism?
Marcela Kunova of has good news to report on the state of funding for independent news in the US and details how the Institute for Nonprofit News (INN) has helped secure both philanthropic funding through the NewsMatch initiative and taught journalists how to diversify their revenue streams. If you’re thinking “if only this could be replicated on a global level” then check out the International Fund for Public Interest Media.
Why we should invest in a free press
In 2006, Media Development Investment Fund (MDIF) co-founder and former Managing Director Saša Vučinić speaks at the TED Conference about why he established the non-profit investment fund. “Government accountability, corruption, how do you fight corruption, giving voice to unheard, to poor — it’s why independent media is in business,” said Vučinić.