Other donors
There are a number of donors that do not fall into any of the above categories but that are long-standing supporters of media development work.
All have a reputation for being approachable, flexible and keeping the administrative burden to a minimum.
European Endowment for Democracy
The European Endowment for Democracy (EED) is an independent, grant-making organization, established in 2013 by the European Union (EU) and EU member states to foster democracy in the European Neighborhood and beyond.
Funding opportunities: Support to media initiatives remains an important priority for EED. Over the past year, EED has continued to enable the development and maintenance of independent media as a key contribution to facilitate a transition to democracy in the countries in the EU neighborhood. EED grant-making is almost entirely demand-driven, and takes place in an open-ended application and funding cycle. EED prioritizes activities that would be difficult to fund through other channels.
Geographical Priorities: EED works predominantly in the European Neighbourhood (Eastern Partnership, Middle East and North Africa), the Western Balkans and Turkey. The countries eligible for support in the eastern neighbourhood are: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova, and Ukraine. The countries in the southern neighbourhood are: Algeria, Egypt, Jordan, Libya, Lebanon, Morocco, Palestine, Syria, and Tunisia.
Types of funding: Programmatic and Core grants
Amount of funding: $4 million
View profile on the CIMA website (Last updated on March 2018)
National Democratic Institute
The National Democratic Institute is a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization working to support and strengthen democratic institutions worldwide through citizen participation, openness and accountability in government.
Funding opportunities: NDI is not a grant-making organization. The institute supports democratic institutions and practices in every region of the world. The NDI and its local partners work to promote openness and accountability in government by building political and civic organizations, safeguarding elections, and promoting citizen participation.
- Human Rights
- Democracy & Good Governance
- Indigenous Communities
- Education
- Women & Gender
Geographical Priorities: The Institute has worked in more than 156 countries, and currently has more than 50 field offices working to strengthen and support democracy around the globe.
Types of funding: N/A
Amount of funding: N/A