دليل لمنظمات تمويل الطوارئ والأزمات
Civil Rights Defenders
Östgötagatan 90
SE-116 64 Stockholm
+46 (0)8 545 277 30
Committee to Protect Journalists
P.O. Box 2675
New York, NY 10108
For emergency requests: emergencies@cpj.org
To request additional information: info@cpj.org
International Federation of Journalists
IPC-Residence Palace
Rue de la Loi 155
B-1040 Brussels, Belgium
+32 (0)2 235 22 00
+32 (0)2 235 22 19
Media Freedom Rapid Response
Menckestr. 27
04155 Leipzig
+49 341 200 403 13
Project Coordinator: Gürkan Özturan gurkan.ozturan@ecpmf.eu
Free Press Unlimited
Weesperstraat 3
1018 DN Amsterdam
+31 20 8000400
For emergency requests: reportersrespond@freepressunlimited.org
To request additional information: info@freepressunlimited.org
Reporters Without Borders
CS 90247
75083 Paris Cedex 02
+33 1 4483 8466
For emergency requests: support2@rsf.org
To request additional information: secretariat@rsf.org
Rory Peck Trust
+44 (0)203 219 7860
For emergency requests: assistance@rorypecktrust.org
To request additional information: info@rorypecktrust.org
National Endowment for Democracy
1201 Pennsylvania Ave, NW, Suite 1100,
Washington, DC 20004
(202) 378-9700
To access emergency funding: ukraine@ned.org
To request additional information: info@ned.org
European Endowment for Democracy
Rue de la Loi 34
1040 Brussels
General email address: secretariat@dmocracyendowment.eu
Protonmail email address: secretariat@signalmail.org
Tutanota email address: secretariat@tutanota.de
Frontline Defenders
Square Marie – Louise 72
1000 Brussels
European Centre for Press and Media Freedom
Menckestr. 27
04155 Leipzig / Germany
+49 (0) 341 200 403 13
To seek support: support@ecpmf.eu
Journalists-in-Residence (JiR) Program: journalistsinresidence@ecpmf.eu
International Media Support
Nørregade 18
1165 Copenhagen K
CVR: 26487013
+45 8832 7000
Line Wolf Nielsen, Coordinator of Communications and Press, DJ Safety Program Manager: lwn@mediasupport.org
+45 5210 7800
New Democracy Fund
Vartov, Farvergade 27 L, 2
DK-1463 København K
General Information: info@newdemocracyfund.org
Rapid Response Fund: rapidresponse@newdemocracyfund.org
New Cooperation Fund: newcooperation@newdemocracyfund.org
Lifeline Embattled CSO Assistance Fund
General Information: info@csolifeline.org
Appeal for Help: eurasia@csolifeline.org
Solidarity Fund Poland (Фонд Солідарності Польщі)
Fundacja Solidarności Międzynarodowej
ul. Mysłowicka 4, 01-612 Warszawa, Polska
+48 222 90 66 22
PEN America
588 Broadway, Suite 303
New York, NY 10012
(212) 334-1660
Urgent Action Fund
2601 Blanding Ave Suite C,
#155 Alameda,
CA 94501 USA
+1 415-523-0360
proposals@urgentactionfund.org чи urgentact@protonmail
Media Consortium (Ukraine only)
Flat 4 Tompion Houe
Percival Street
England – EC1V 0HU